Centre for Communication Governance at NLU delhi
International Advisory Board

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Professor (Dr.) Wolfgang Schulz

Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Schulz is Director of the Hans-Bredow-Institute for Media Research and has the university professorship “Media Law and Public Law including Theoretical Foundations” at the Faculty of Law, Universität Hamburg.

In February 2012, he was also appointed director at Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society in Berlin. Wolfgang Schulz is a member of the Committee of Experts on Internet Intermediaries (MSI-NET) of the European Council and has been elected chairman thereof.

He is also chairman of the expert committee “Information and Communication” and, board member of the German Commission for UNESCO.

His work emphasises the freedom of communication, problems of legal regulation with regard to media contents, questions of law in new media, above all in digital television, and the legal bases of journalism, but also the jurisprudential bases of freedom of communication and the implications of the changing public sphere on law. In addition, he works on the forms taken by the State’s functions, for instance, in the framework of concepts of “regulated self-regulation” of “informational regulation”. Many of his projects are designed internationally comparative.

Professor Schulz studied Law and Journalism in Hamburg. Since 1997 he has taught the optional special subject on information and communication in the Department of Law at the University of Hamburg; he has been also a member of the state office for legal examinations since January 2000. Since November 2011 he is also a Professor at the Faculty of Law at the University of Hamburg.


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